Kernel Monitor

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Kernel: 1


Kernel ProcessID FrontEnd ProcessID Thread State Error Text Error Type Error Input    
N/A N/A General pool kernel background 0 DESTROYED Kernel could not obtain a license. AUTHENTICATEFAILURE


Activate Count LoadedJavaObjects Count MaxMemoryUsed (bytes) MemoryInUse (bytes) SessionTime (ms) TimeUsed (ms) FrontEnd MemoryInUse (bytes) Last Input
0 0 0 0 0 0 N/A

Dates and Times

Dates and Times
Initialize Date Initialize Time (ms) Last Activate Date Last Passivate Date Last Validate Date Last Evaluate Date Last Link Date Last Link Time (ms) Total Link Time (ms) Halt Date Destroy Date Destroy Time (ms)
Sun Sep 01 11:00:14 EDT 2024 0 Sun Sep 01 11:00:14 EDT 2024 0 0 Sun Sep 01 11:00:14 EDT 2024 Sun Sep 01 11:00:14 EDT 2024 1